


Hello! My name is Wade and I want to help you win the battle with your money.  How many times have you felt defeated when you checked the balance on your account?  How many times have you wondered how can I possibly survive another financial attack?  The reality is you are a WARRIOR and you can win the battle with your money. You only need the right weapons to win.  I have been where you are on the battlefield. I struggled to win the battle after making poor financial choices...  like having credit card debt, car loans, student loan debt, a mortgage I couldn't afford, and wasting far too many opportunities to improve my financial situation.  I felt defeated, hopeless, and constantly worried about how to provide for my family.  Can you relate?  Instead of believing things could never change for me, I took steps to get serious about my money and dream about what could be. I started:   - Reading and learning everything I could about money. - Investing for my future.  - Changing my sp
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